V-Log stands for Video Blog. It is my new personal blog via video. It started yesterday and is on its experimental stage because I'm not if people will like it.
I call each post an "episode" because for me, it is a reality-based video blog. The videos are not compilations of my favorite videos from the net(e.g. YouTube, etc.), instead they are from my experiences. But these blog is not like your everyday reality show. The videos are my exclusive and significant experiences. I will only create video posts that are entertaining and informative.
I hope that this blog will be a success and hope that people and other bloggers will support me on this.
I still don't have a badge for it so to experience V-Log, please click the image below:
I also have a link for V-Log on the right side of this page.
So that's all for now! This is Nash, your video blogger, saying Thank you and see you on my next episode! :)