Monday, November 15, 2010

My Birthday Celebration

The wait is over! Here are the pictures from my birthday yesterday. :)

I am 21 years old yet I treat it as my debut (like a guy haha!). I usually don't celebrate my birthday every year. I just make sure that my mom will cook my favorite food, pasta in any sauce, then I'm good. But this year since I'm turning 21, I've decided to celebrate it with a weird twist. (I've always been weird though...hahaha!) I've thought of having a 7-year old Children's Party theme for my birthday this year. I want my 21st celebration to be unique and memorable. :) 

*Click images for larger view.*

The birthday girl... hahaha!

My classmate/friend's daughter

My friend and her daughter 

She's the right girl for this kind of celebration, isn't she? HAHA!

Happy, huh? :)


Yey! Blowing my candles! :D haha!

My lovely cupcakes :) 

While eating... (yey carbonara!)

My sister played with this. :P haha!

Another one from my sister

Hmm.. Yum! :)

My sister made this for her friend, another visitor.

Her friend arrived.(my sister on the right)

My sister pretending that it's her birthday! HAHAHA!

The pictures can tell that I'm happy and we had fun, right? :)

2 Responses so far.

  1. belated happy birthday nash, i'm starving ... my favorite pasta is here ..

  2. haha! same here! nothing's left! haha! i craving for more. T_T thanks again :)

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