Sunday, August 7, 2011

4th Adgitize Payment

So much for good news. Yesterday, I received my 4th payment in Adgitize then while doing my Adgitize routine I stumbled on a post that indicated an increase in the author's Google page rank so I checked mine as well. Surprisingly, my rank also increased. It was so delighting. So after blogging about my page rank increase yesterday, I am now blogging this payment proof from Adgitize. I advertised last month and was just waiting for this payment to advertise again without spending my savings in PayPal. It really pays off that you earn just by blogging, right? You don't only get a chance to express yourself through blogging but you also earn through sites like Adgitize. :)

One Response so far.

  1. Unknown says:

    i also got my july payment, i will post it later

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