Sunday, December 4, 2011

Kris Kringle

It's the season of Christmas and as we know it, parties are now organized left and right, as well as Kris Kringles in schools, offices and many more. 

My friends and I decided to have a Kris Kringle every Monday and Wednesday because that's the only time that we see each other in school due to our busy schedules. We thought of it while chatting after eating at McDo. It was just for fun so we decided that our Kris Kringle would just cost exactly Php20 (approx. $0.46). I wrote down the themes and schedules of our Kris Kringle at the back of our receipt. LOL. Look!

For our final day, we want it to be memorable that's why we agreed on a much higher cost, Php100 (approx. $2.31), given that it's weird and/or unique. hehe... We will start this Monday and I'm so excited about it. I already bought one which is something round but it's not exactly Php20. I still need to look for something to fill up the price quota. hehehe...

How about you? Any exchanging gift activities you're excited about? :)

5 Responses so far.

  1. chrisair says:

    I missed this one, my last kris kringle was way back in my work and can't remember the date now.

    thanks for dropping at my blog, following you even-though it might shut down hehehe

  2. good luck on your thesis, i hope you nail the defense as well :D

  3. I missed kris kringle the last time eh when i was still in school.

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