Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I support WOW Philippines!

As I've said in one of my previous post that I am more in favor of 'WOW Philippines' to be the slogan of ourtourism rather than the new slogan 'Pilipinas Kay Ganda'. You can see that I have a new banner in my page that shows my support for it. I just made it up, just like a fan-made artwork but in accordance to this is my unconditional support.

I know a lot of Filipinos out there (calling all bloggers) are more in favor of the former slogan rather than the new one. Good thing Pres. Aquino recalled the new slogan. :) Yey! I think he felt the pulse of his countrymen.

I've noticed that this slogan issue was a hit among bloggers so I made this banner. I also have received comments about it who are in favor of the old one when I posted my opinion about the issue. Now, knowing that there are many supporters for the former slogan, I am offering these humble banner and badge that shows support for the former slogan, 'WOW Philippines'.

If you want to grab it, here are the codes:

Nothing personal. :P HAHA! Just wanna show my support to brain behind this, Former DOT Secretary Richard Gordon, in this simple way. I just admired the improvement of our tourism by his time. :)

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