Monday, November 29, 2010

My 1st PTC Payment

This post was late due to some activities that I want to share. hehe...

After so many clicks, I finally received my first PTC payment from OnBux last Thursday. I cashed out $2.07 but because of the payment fee, $0.06 was deducted. Since it was my first, I was surprised because I don't know about the fee. Another thing is, the payment was $2 exact. Hey! Where's the $0.01?! HAHA! But who cares about $0.07 if you already have $2, right? :) It's way better than those cents. HAHA! Well here's my cashout proof from OnBux.

Click to enlarge

So for those who also want to earn or haven't signed up for PTC sites yet, please check out my PTC Sites Page. You can find there my trusted PTC sites. When you sign up, please fill up the form and do not remove anything. ;) Thanks. 

4 Responses so far.

  1. :) question please...
    how long d u need to earn $ 2,- from OnBux??

  2. Unknown says:

    wow, i still have to work with mine!

  3. ALBERT says:


    Stay safe

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